Welkom on the site HBPigeons.nl


Since August 2019 I started keeping carrier pigeons with the Grizzly color.

This of course next to the Meulemans pigeons (www.meulemansduiven.nl),

which cannot be ignored in the lofts of HBPigeons.

I made this start with the Grizzly pigeons from Theo de Kruijk,

Nico van Muylder (Belgium),

Bram Wassenaar

The Janssen-Tournier type of A.v.d. Hoek, via Theo van der Heijden.


The parents of most breeding pigeons in the loft have already proven themselves on the races.


If you have guestions or comments, you can always visit the "contact" tab


I really appreciate it if you leave a message in the  "Guestbook".


Click on the photo to enlarge!


Enjoy watching my site.



Hans Bastiaansen
